Sunday, November 4, 2012

!!! All Recent Movies List

All Recent Movies List! Newcomers to EFT soon realise, as increasing numbers of experienced practitioners have before them, the wonderful results available when using The Movie Technique. As you watch Gary Craig use clients during the entire DVD sets, we rarely witness a session that will not contain a wonderful instance of its use. But why is it such a useful technique?

As Gary often says 'choosing a film that resonates using a problem forces the customer to get specific about an issue.' So, for example, looking to collapse an issue of 'lack of confidence' we would be tapping by using these words as a set-up all night with generally minimum results being experienced.

But, as we work through a particular movie which resonates with 'not enough confidence' and tap on the kinaesthetic feelings that arise, clearing all the negative aspects as you go along and looking for, questioning and reframing the beliefs and decisions that appear, the outcome will be superior.

But, there are numerous other reasons why the movie technique is this kind of wonderful EFT tool.

When we undergo a traumatic incident, frequently we do so whilst in the flight and flight response (sympathetic mode) which, together with many other bodily consequences, means we process the big event through our primitive hind brain, instead of through the higher intelligence of our own frontal cortex.

Even so, the subconscious will have captured every aspect of the wedding, millions of bits of information are stored, every sight, sound, smell, taste and feeling.

The traumatic nature of those events along with the resulting shift to sympathetic, has the effect of compressing the info and prevents us from adequately processing the event.

It appears that is often when information gets trapped in the energy systems.

For whilst nothing is wrong with experiencing emotions, because they all have their own place in us and are what make us human, emotions should flow through our energy system (e-motion means energy in motion). Ideally, emotional freedom means, instead of a not enough emotion, freedom for that emotion to circulate, to be experienced then to let go of in a healthy manner.

Problems arise once the energy gets stuck in your meridian and other energy systems.

It has a lot of energy to hold all this information set up and even as we get older and our bodily and energy systems lose their resilience, and we all struggle to support onto this negative energy. Thus the data starts to leak, that may cause stress, anxiety, panic and anxiety attacks, OCD, depression and also other forms of mental and physical dis-ease.

When we use the movie technique, we can easily allow the knowledge to decompress and stay processed as it should have been from the frontal cortex. Ultimately, we are able to then energetically forget about the negative energy.

But instead of carelessly going with the movies inside a feet first, gung-ho fashion, it is therefore essential that the flicks are accessed gently, keeping the customer in parasympathetic mode constantly to fully let the decompression of the info.

Watching Gary, an expert of intuitive therapy, regardless with the apparent original severity with the movie, we notice he always uses the gentle techniques while confronting these movies.

This allows the consumer to remain in parasympathetic mode, absolutely facilitate the decompression, processing, and letting go coming from all aspects in the trauma.

Whilst some memories are too vibrant and fresh inside mind at the onset, on many occasions EFT therapists and clients report memories that have been originally cloudy, vague, obscure and contained low intensity levels become vibrant, with many emotions and aspects appearing because they slowly and gently process the movies. This is a good measure of the decompression effect the movie technique.

Either way, naturally, the discomfort can easily be managed using EFT.

Again, varying for every person and fascinating because of this non conformity even as we apply EFT often the movies lose their colour, clarity while focusing. We notice adjustments to association and disassociation, emotional intensity and kinaesthetic feelings disappear. All of which are signs and symptoms of releasing the trapped energy.

Another advantage of letting go of these movie memories, are that whilst in place, as being a moth with a light, we quite often find ourselves in repeating similar situations and events. We move from one job to avoid being bullied, only to find a similar bully waiting in your new job. We swap one abusive relationship for another. It appears whilst we keep this energy trapped in our systems, we will keep repeating a similar situations. Maybe, looking to seek resolution?

Could it be that energy (which like all of the energy inside the universe ' is information) also attracts more events from the same nature into our way of life by the law of attraction?

The Heartmath Institute conducted experiments that relate we emit our movies (heart pictures) electromagnetically from the hearts and radiate this energy out around 10 feet from the bodies, in a very 360 degree circle, twenty-four hours a day. This energy can be many, often more powerful than that emitted by the brain.

So having released and resolved this info through EFT, we can easily then stop being attracted too and attracting similar negative events into our way of life. It's important too to remember that for each and every traumatic movie resolved more vital energy will likely be released for other important bodily functions.

So keeping your individual peace procedures in your mind, find an EFT partner to assist and start releasing these old detrimental, energy sapping movies. Focusing then about the positive will likely be a easier task.

Karl Dawson

EFT Master

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